If you haven’t visited the weight loss success stories posted on The Center for Medical Weight Loss(CMWL) website yet, you’re missing out.

These weight loss success stories from real people just like you, complete with before and after weight loss photos, are a great way to motivate yourself on a day when you wonder if you’ll ever meet your goal. The CMWL weight loss success stories can inspire you to stay on track during a rough moment, or just encourage you that others have done what you aim to do and you can too!

We have weight loss success stories from all types of folks, from those who just wanted to lose a few pounds to people who have overcome obesity-related illnesses and improved their health, to everything in between.

One thing you’ll notice many of these weight loss success stories have in common is that they approached managing their weight as a long-term, chronic health condition, not as a cosmetic quick fix.

Perhaps like you, many have spent years on the yo-yo diet cycle, losing weight on one diet after another only to have it return. I think for many of our weight loss success stories, realizing and accepting that losing weight and then working to keep it from creeping back on is a lifetime, long-term goal that they will always have to pay attention to and work toward. This is what helps them finally lose the excess weight once and for all.

Like diabetes, obesity isn’t something you can cure. Your genetic tendencytoward weight gain, struggles with emotional eating, learned bad habits, medical conditions that may be contributing to weight issues, and more will always be there. Knowing your own unique challenges and staying on top of them is the key to winning your personal battle of the bulge and becoming your own weight loss success story.

As I’ve said before, losing the weight is only the start of the journey. Keeping it off is the more important goal. So this time, instead of feeling like you have failed if 10 pounds creeps back on or if you slip up and go off the medical weight loss plan, be ready to take action to get back on track.

If you do, you’ll soon not only be reading about others who have successfully lost weight and kept it off, you’ll be one of them!